lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

(stick to it)

And when the picures of little kids naked stop astonishing you. And you don't care anymore wheter you are actually using or not the right terminology or if you had to turn right because you are there just for the ride, for the high, for the fun, for the time you used to spent together, for those moments of brilliant static, for the esctacy in his look, for the gaze that you know he is giving you although you are not looking his way, for your sigh every time he calls your name, for the thrill you get when you answer the phone, for the rush when you're expecting a kis from h i m, for the not-thinked-fully-thru situations, for the jelousy fighting (or for the fights of jelous), for the "you don't have to talk now" moments too, for the unpredictability and the lack of foot steps, for the chills you've got any time he had a secret to share, for the uncertainty of the loops in our relatioshit, for the well-being of your sanity, for the happiness in his eyes, for the sorrow of what may have happened, for the eternal questioning, for the belitteling just to make you secure, for the constante battle of laughs (and cries), for the been-stucked-in-an-elevator kinda sensation, for the feeling you bouth held towards the other, for the untravelled path, for the road you both wish you'll share, for the rush of not knowing what may come or what it's left, for the loneliness of that inner child, for the innocence that hasn't been lost (yet), for being assured in your own fears, for leaving unsaid loads of things, for looking thru that glass and not reflect yourself but what he wants you to be, for all those things you yet have to see, feel and touch; for the dusk in his eyes, for the times you have ahead, for the *whatever are* worth your memories, for the never-ending fairytales and stories running naked in your head, for the conscious spying, for the thought unwritten and the words unspoken, for the idealization of you and him together (especially of him, alone, that one scared you the most), for the standing-bye and floatin for a second in the aire every time you said goodbye, for the warm wind of his breath and for the lightness in the air between you, for the wonder of your dynamic, for the miracle of having found somebody to go to, to cry to, to run with, to scare, to heal and ultimately, break.
For the sake and the only sake of being around him.
For the hope you still have in you heart..

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